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Confuzzled Books

If you are wondering what kinds of books I review and events I host, this little section is the place to look. Books I love to read: Children's, Young Adult, Paranormal and Fantasy books. Books I like to read: General Fiction, Romances, Religious Fiction, Mysteries and Biographies. So those are the genres of books I will generally review. If you send me a book outside of those areas, I'll consider it, but it may not fit my tastes. Reviews will take about 2 months to post; I try to post them around the time the book is released. On giveaways: Sending me a signed book to give away on the site is a great way to get your book noticed. I do a "mystery book" giveaway about every 2 weeks, where I read the book and twitter about it without revealing its title, then reveal what I've been reading and give it away. The whole event takes a couple weeks, and I feature the giveaway book on my blog for most of that time.

Currently reading

A Field Guide to Getting Lost
Rebecca Solnit
All You Can Ever Know
Nicole Chung
The Mermaid
Christina Henry
Don't Ever Look Behind Door 32
B.C.R. Fegan, Lenny Wen
The Party: A Novel
Robyn Harding
The Chemist
Stephenie Meyer
If you were me and lived in... Mexico: A Child's Introduction to Cultures Around the World: 1
Carole P. Roman
Silver: Return to Treasure Island
Andrew Motion
The Creativity Book: A Year's Worth of Inspiration and Guidance
Eric Maisel
The Search for the Red Dragon
James A. Owen

The Goose Girl (Books of Bayern)

The Goose Girl (Books of Bayern) - Shannon Hale This is the first book in the Books of Bayern. Even though it is a retelling of a fairy tale by the same name, The Goose Girl, it is creatively woven with other ideas the author gathered to make it her own novel. The story is about young princess Ani, who was raised to be queen of Kildenree. As a young girl she had a close relationship with her aunt, who taught her special things, like how nature speaks to people and how Ani can speak back. But Ani is betrayed. She soon finds herself on a trip to Bayern, where she learns she might one day be queen as she was promised, but young Ani has been propelled into a world where she is not wanted and has to learn to survive before she even gets to the new kingdom. I especailly enjoyed the magical aspects of this book, such as people learning animal speak, or wind speak, or even people speak. It was so imaginitive and fun to listen to (I find myself spoiled by audio books that have a full cast like this one). Also, the relationships between people are well thought out. For example, the distance between Ani and her mother, the current queen of Kildenree.