Now I can't compare this prequel to the original Peter Pan because I have never read it and since this is really connected to Disney's and I only have vague recollections of the movie so I can't judge on how it compares. It is a strong fantasy story. Character's aren't as defined as I liked and I felt like it was missing some things. I have come to realize that my favorite character from Peter Pan is Tinker Bell and I missed her in this. I also wanted to know more about the Starcatchers I feel like they could have expanded more on them and their mystical treasure. The book is okay and I am not sure I will read the other books in the series written by the authors because basically if I do, it would be to say I read them and not because I loved the series. I thought there would be more humor since author Dave Barry was co-author. There was some humor but could have it could have been lighter.