An IT geek, Matt Decker, has created a futuristic new power grid for the United States. A crazy mastermind gets into the electric system and shuts down power everywhere. As this nut gains power by causing other catastrophes in the world and claiming to be “The Messiah” and “The Devil” from the bible. Decker and his group of computer experts try there best to find this man and keep the power and other things up and running.
This thriller moves pretty quickly. The electric systems going down they way they did is a fear of mine. We really depend on electronics so much now a days for news, communicating with others and hospital’s life support.
I do not know if it was the dark points in the book that made me dislike it but I really did not connect with the characters. I connected with the terror of the different disasters because they felt like something that could happen. I do not feel that only one man could have made that all happen the way, Hart did.
I am not a big fan of thrillers this is second one in a month I have read. They both seemed very similar even though the stories were a little different. Both had terrorism in them. This one just fell flat like other book did as well. It this was a series I probably would not read the next one.